To make an appointment, contact me here:

I offer a combination of in-person and online sessions.

Please note that I am temporarily unable to take on any new clients. 

My guarantee to you

To provide you with a safe space with complete confidentiality

To work with you in a way that suits your individual needs

To learn new skills that you can apply immediately to manage your stress

What I need from you

It’s very important to approach counselling (and life in general) as an equal participant. In order to feel better and to get to where we want to be in life we have to engage – I recommend an approach based on the 3 “C”s!

  1. Commited (keep going no matter what)
  2. Consistent (work at it every day)
  3. Creative (look for new options and solutions)

My sessions with you will be all about encouraging self-reliance, confidence and lasting emotional health in a safe, confidential and supportive space. In the first session we decide whether we feel that we can work together and look at what your goals are. Some people find that a short term solution-focused approach (where we start from where you are now and focus on getting you to where you’d like to be in as few sessions as possible) is the right one for them. Others find that they need to take things more slowly and really look at things in depth. I use the most up to date, effective psychological techniques based on a modern understanding of the brain/mind/body system and what people really need to thrive and be happy.

If you are interested I have lots of hand-outs with useful information about emotional health and lists of useful books and Internet resources.  I will also note down and give you a list of any goals that you might have decided that you want to work on between sessions.

For more information on my counselling Cork services click here.

For more information about my Counselling Douglas services: click here.

Book a counselling session today!